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Friday, January 14, 2011

Project 52. Week 1. Self-Portrait

I'm so excited to tell you about my new project for the year! 19 other photographers and I are doing our project together to not only treat all of our blog readers, but to keep us honest and on track. We have a list of 52 “ideas or themes” that we will shoot each week for the year. And since we're getting started a week late, I'll roll it over into the first week of 2012. I will take a picture of our theme for the week, the way I interpret it, and post it on my site. Then under my post, I will link another photographer who is part of the project for you to see her interpretation of the theme. After you see hers, you will notice a different link under her picture that will then take you to the next photographer’s website. If you continue to click on the link under each picture, in the end you should see 19 other pictures and eventually make it back to my site. When I say there is some AMAZING talent in this group, I am not lying, you will definitely want to check out everyone’s pictures!

This week’s assignment was a self portrait. These self portrait pictures will allow you to see the photographers who are doing this project and put a face to a name. Self portraits are definitely not everyone's forte, but it forces us to be on the other side of the camera and remind ourselves what our clients go through!

Now check out my friend Megan and her self-portrait